Welcome to Team Developer Sample Vault

Free samples & documents for OpenText Gupta Team Developer/SqlWindows

An immense collection of samples, demo's and try-outs are created in the past
and posted on the forums and various other places.
Many of them are present here, including all samples of TDWiki articles.

Browse this site first before reinventing the wheel !

The samples are not reviewed in any way, they are stored as they were posted, no warranties !
Still it holds many useful stuff on diverse subjects.

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Do you have samples to share?

Please, email them as ZIP archives so they can be uploaded here.
Others could benefit from anything you might share.

Index of Samples / Misc /

0 Files - 15 Folders (Total size: 0.0  B)
File Size Modified Description
[dir] Parent Directory      
[dir] BatchFiles [dir] 2017-Sep-28 TD startup batch files to mix multiple TD versions
[dir] DevCons [dir] 2021-Mar-12 All info handed out on Gupta Developer Conferences
[dir] Images_Resources [dir] 2018-Apr-22 Diverse images, bitmaps, icons to use in projects
[dir] PerformanceTests [dir] 2022-Feb-11 Tools to test TD performance. Collection of test results
[dir] Racon_UserInterface [dir] 2017-Sep-28 Racons ProfUI enhancement libraries
[dir] Screenshots [dir] 2017-Sep-28 Location for WIKI screenshots and splashscreens
[dir] TD_Books 0 days old [dir] 2023-Apr-25 All official PDF manuals for each TD version
[dir] TD_C-API [dir] 2019-Jan-29 C++ header and lib files from TD setups INC and LIB folders
[dir] TD_DefectTests [dir] 2022-Feb-11  
[dir] TD_Deployers [dir] 2021-Jul-29 Collection of original TD deploy setups
[dir] TD_ForumBugLists [dir] 2018-Dec-12 Unofficial bug lists reported on the forums
[dir] TD_ReleaseNotes 0 days old [dir] 2023-Apr-25 All change and fix lists for each TD version
[dir] TD_Resources 0 days old [dir] 2023-Apr-25 Extracted resources from TD (Bitmaps, icons, strings etc)
[dir] Video [dir] 2017-Sep-28 Location for WIKI videos
[dir] WhitePapers_Docs [dir] 2019-Sep-12 Official TD whitepapers
0 Files - 15 Folders Total size: 0.0  B    
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